#009 Big Boss Bertel

Ørestad, Denmark



Commissioned by Rising Architecture Week and Aon. Big Boss Bertel was dismantled in October 2017.

This recycle sculpture I made as a part of Rising Architecture week in Copenhagen in 2015. Through the week visitors of the conference would burn tattoos into wooden boards together with some of my assistants. Afterwards the boards was taken to the building site and a couple of volunteers who were building the sculpture in the area of Ørestaden in Copenhagen. Inside the sculpture there is a stairway so you can go up and see through his hat to get a view over Ørestaden. The sculpture was finished for The Color Run where it would watch the many happy participants. His name is Big Boss Bertel and is named after the culture minister of Denmark Bertel Haarder, who also made the first tattoo for the sculpture. The recycled sculpture was build solely using recycled wood/scrapwood, from the local Stark, a Tiger store and some leftovers from one of my previous projects.

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