Forestation and solar energy

Since I work with recycled materials as a way to help save our planet I am also concerned with our carbon footprint and my aim is to be carbon-neutral before 2026. I started by installing solar panels, which provide up to 20.000 kWh of electricity in a year. In 2024 I am adding another 40.000 kWh, which means I will produce more electricity than we use on the whole property. 

The 22 hectares of farmland surrounding the studio are just waiting to become a beautiful forest. In 2023 my crew planted 1,200 paulownia trees which grow really fast, so in a little more than 10 years I should have a small forest but I can even use some of the wood for my artworks. For the first few years, the trees needed watering, so I created a water collection system taking rainwater from the roofs to reduce the amount of well water we use. The plan is to turn the rest of the farmland into a mixed forest good for biodiversity and carbon capture.

Barn Restoration

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Building hangouts

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Workshop with a Wizard’s Tower

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Forestation and solar energy

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